Wednesday, December 1, 2010

penny for your thought

Years ago I had a college friend with whom I traded penny thoughts...index cards with a quote or uplifting thought scribbled upon it and a penny taped to one side of the card.  As a child, my mother would many times quip to us the adage 'penny for your thoughts'.  I haven't had many so called penny thoughts lately.  Mainly because my life has been so chaotic, or it seems to be that way to me, therefore even though I have had this site set up for awhile I have stared at it many times not knowing what to write, or even why I should write.  Am I writing solely for myself, or am I actually hoping that I will achieve a following of people who might be remotely interested in my seemingly mundane life?

Well I have decided to write for myself.  I like to write and I think it will help me see my growth as a person and help incorporate discipline back into my life.  I also believe that I need to keep track of the many things that I like to do or choose to do or wish to do, however the case may be.

Obviously there is going to be a learning curve to this adventure of mine.  I have never blogged before and although I can somewhat find my way around a computer, I have surprisingly discovered how to do this all on my own, no running to my husband or son saying 'help' or even my oldest daughter who does have a blog.  So in this aspect of my adventure I am quite proud of myself-kudos to me!

So, here I go with my first post...let my adventure begin!

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