Friday, April 20, 2012

a bit of a lift

hello spring! you who are late.  

i thought i would change things a teeny bit.  trying to encourage the spring.

my weather of late has been cold and stormy. 
we now have some sun and warmth.

 i have pictures to share.  you will see them later. hope you are enjoying your spring!

Monday, February 13, 2012

oh no! where has the time gone?

okay i am a liar. 

 i said i was going to blog daily and it didn't happen.  so to remedy that i need to take it back and rephrase my statement to something more realistic like 'my goal is to blog daily however, as life has a way of sucking more time out of me than i think i have allotted myself-we shall see'. 

 we shall see

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


 long long go in a land far away,


 i am not sure what happened but something did and i have lost my muchness.

 i am like alice falling down the hole and have come to discover that my muchness left me and i am needing it back. 

 it is coming back, slowly, just as alice discovers hers. 

oh to be as young as alice!

 i have my own jabberwocky to slay.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

up and running...

ahhhh, a new year...i feel behind! but very enthusiastic!
we just returned from Houston, Texas and i am trying to put all my ducks back in a row-

they are feebly quacking at the moment! 

our family (at least those that still live at home-hubby, son, daughter, and myself) made an epic journey south to go to GYC (Generation of Youth for Christ).  GYC is this awesome religious youth conference geared towards 18 to 35 year olds that happens once a year during the holiday season and people from all over the United States and other countries come for a few days of fellowship, networking, spiritual renewal with speakers and seminars, and outreach.  there were 66 countries and 49 states represented!  GYC also has smaller divisional conferences that are held throughout the year.

there is a large conference in Austrailia and this coming summer the first one in Europe will be happening!

one of the things that was so amazing was when we were coming from the convention center through the enclosed overpass to the Hilton hotel one night we were greeted by a group of people singing hymns together in the small foyer of the walkway before the escalators.  when we arrived there were approximately 25 to 30 people and it quickly grew to maybe 200 all singing mightily and with great enthusiasm to our Creator and King, praising Him. people with cameras, and cell phones were taking pictures and videos to share with others. others were on smart phones and iPads sharing the words to the songs we were singing for those who didn't have them memorized.

my husband and i left at 11:30 pm and people were still going strong.  i have a small video clip from my phone that i will attempt to show here.  i am hoping to find one posted on the internet that might be better quality than my own.  we will see...i found this clip on youtube and am sharing it even though it isn't the exact same night and my husband and i were not there. we were already in bed! this is from the next evening, exact same location and many of the same people including the lovely singing group that is leading out.

this is a long video clip...enjoy watching part or all of it!  before watching make sure you stop the playlist on the right side so the audios don't compete with one another...

may your day hold precious moments and memories for you and your family!

Monday, January 2, 2012

that's better!

 i am a day behind-oops!
(i am out of town-is that a good enough excuse?)

a new year needs a new look so i took it upon myself to at least change the background picture. 

 the goal here is to blog everyday, wouldn't that be nice?

 i have goals for this site: 
new music 
 and whole health

 i want this year to be where i renew myself physically, spiritually, and mentally/emotionally

 i need to reconnect with myself and God
 i have been lost way too long 

here's to a new year and a new outlook!